Diagnostic Aids Credibility in Dentigerous Cyst Identification; Radiological Analysis


  • Abdulkareem Jadaan Al-jubory Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Al-Salam teaching hospital, Mosul Directorate of Health, Ministry of Health, Mosul, Iraq.




Objectives: To assess the incidence of dentigerous cyst in the jaw bones and the benefits of clinical and radiological analysis in diagnosis and treatment plan of odontogenic dentigerous cyst. Methods: 25 patients presenting with chronic recurrent jaw swelling not responding to routine dental treatment for dental infection. Special folders done for each patient including personal and medical information, investigations, treatment plan and follow up. The cases treated by enucleation or marsupialization and specimens send for histopathological examination. Results: 25 patients diagnosed as a cases of dentigerous cyst depending on clinical and radiological analysis and confirmed by histopathology. Most cases detected in the anterior maxillary region. The most common involved tooth is the maxillary canine. The mean age of the patients is (24.5 years). The circumferential pattern is the most common type of dentigerous cyst detected on radiograph. Conclusions: dentigerous cyst most commonly detected in the anterior maxillary region. Panoramic view is one of the corner stones in management of dentigerous cyst. 


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How to Cite

Al-jubory AJ. Diagnostic Aids Credibility in Dentigerous Cyst Identification; Radiological Analysis. Iraq Med J [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 26 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];3(4). Available from: https://iraqmedj.org/index.php/imj/article/view/755


