Interventional biological markers for sarcopenia and muscle frailty in Iraqi subjects


  • Walaa Ismail Jasim College of Medicine, University of Baghdad, Iraq.
  • Hedef El-Yassin Department of Biochemistry, College of Medicine, University of Baghdad, Iraq.
  • Nazar Abdulatif Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Baghdad, Iraq.


sarcopenia, dsability, Iraq, physical performance


Objective This study was carried out to define the changes of some biomarkers in sarcopinic and compared the results with non-sarcopinic subjects.
Methods Between the first of September 2016 to the end of March 2017, sarcopenic subjects (100 males and females) and non-sacopenic subjects (50 males and females) were included in this study.
Results Mean values of appendicular skeletal muscle mass (ASM), LBM and a1-ACA in control group were more than in sarcopenic group with a highly significant difference P < 0.01 between the values of ASM, LBM and a significant difference P < 0.05 between the values of a1-ACA. While 1-interleukin (IL-6), hs-CRP, and BMI mean values in sarcopenic group were more than in control group with a highly significant difference between their values they were, respectively. The mean values of ASM, LBM and a1-ACA in control group were more than in sarcopinic group, which is more in males than females and the values were inversely proportional to age. The mean values of IL-6, hs-CRP, and BMI in sarcopinic group were more than in control group, which is less in male than female, and the values were diretly proportional to the age except BMI in male, which is more than female.




How to Cite

Jasim, W. I., El-Yassin, H., & Abdulatif, N. (2017). Interventional biological markers for sarcopenia and muscle frailty in Iraqi subjects. Iraq Medical Journal, 1(2), 29–36. Retrieved from


