Evaluation of the cytotoxic effects of Boswellia sacra and Origanum majorana against Mice Lymphocytes and RD cell lines in vitro


  • Mohammed A. Jasim Biology dept., University Of Anbar, Anbar, Iraq.
  • Farooq M. Ibrahim UCL school of Life Sciences, Universtat zu Koln, Germany.
  • Nabaa H. Khalifa Al-Khaledia education section, Ministry of Education, Al-Anbar, Iraq


Boswellia sacra, Origanum majorana, anti-cancer, cytotoxic, MTT, aqueous extraction, methanolic


Objective: Herbs and plant extracts were common selected substances that has medicinal use and was used a long time ago to protect or to heal people in need, many of these plants has wide effect on different biological systems including humans, animals, and bacteria. This study about the potential effect of Boswellia sacra and Origanum majorana as an anti-tumor agent.

Methods: Two plant were extracted resulting aqueous or alcoholic extractions depending on the solvent that used for extraction. Soxhlet apparatus had used for methanolic extraction while stirring distilled water were used for aqueous extraction on a magnetic stirrer.  

Results: Mice RD (ATCC® CCL­136â„¢) cells inhibited with a different pattern, five concentrations used in the study. The 50mg/ml of all extracts were exhibit almost the same inhibition activity. Whereas the activity of aqueous B. sacra extract was more active at 25, 12.5, 6.25 and 3.12 mg/ml in comparison with methanolic B. sacra extract which had the most inhibition activity by killing most of studied cells at 6.25 mg/ml. On the other hand aqueous O. majorana extract exhibits an inhibitory activity higher than methanolic extract after the 50 mg/ml, which may due to the polar constituent of extracted substances while in 12.5 mg/ml, was the best of relatives. The effect of methanolic extract decreased in diluted concentrationsAqueous extract of B. sacra had a superior activity compared with methanolic extract, which took the same effectiveness with less inhibitory effect, but in 6.25 mg/ml was the point where methanolic had the best activity among all extracts.

Conclusion: This study suggests using aqueous extract instead of methanolic extracts that affects and inhibits the cancerous cell line that would be a good replacement of other drugs on patients.



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How to Cite

Jasim MA, Ibrahim FM, Khalifa NH. Evaluation of the cytotoxic effects of Boswellia sacra and Origanum majorana against Mice Lymphocytes and RD cell lines in vitro. Iraq Med J [Internet]. 2019 May 5 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];3(1). Available from: https://iraqmedj.org/index.php/imj/article/view/584




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