Histopathology analysis of thyroid cancer tumor size in Sulaymaniyah -Kurdistan Region-Iraq


  • Fadhluddin Nasruddin Shakor Department of Surgery, Sulaimani Teaching Hospital, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Mustafa Hama Amin Abdalqader Department of Surgery, Sulaimani Teaching Hospital, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.
  • Ary Hama Saeed Department of Surgery, Sulaimani Teaching Hospital, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.




Thyroid, Cancer, Histology, Correlation


Objective: Thyroid cancer is not uncommon disease and its histology is varied. The current study investigates the correlation between thyroid cancer and tumor size.

Methods: Reports of one hundred patients with thyroid carcinoma biopsy submitted to histopathological review from July 2018 to December 2019 in Sulaymaniyah city of Iraq, were studied. Only malignant thyroid glands included in the study. Gender, age, tumor size, multifocality, extrathyroid extension, nodal metastasis, perineural and capsular invasion were studied. The tumor size relation to other parameters analysis were performed by using SPSS program.

Result: The sample were predominantly female 83%. The tumor affects one lobe in 67% with 1.4 times more in right lobe than left lobe but bilaterality were 12%. Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) accounts for 94%. Two-third 66% of the glands surface was nodular. Only10% were totally encapsulated. Multifocal tumor found in 28% of the cases. The lymphovascular invasion identified in 30%,  perineural invasion 25% & Lymphocytic thyroiditis in 42%. Lymph node involvement detected in 17%. Regarding the tumor size (T), 79% of the patients were T1. The Tumor size had significant relation to: margin involvement, lymphovascular invasion and ymphnode involvement (N1) as found more in T1 & T2.

Conclusion:  PTC was the commonest pathology with female predominance. Two-third affects only one lobe with more in right lobe. Smaller size tumor may have more lymphnode or margin involvement. Size of the tumor were significantly related with encapsulation and lymphovascular invasion.


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How to Cite

Shakor FN, Abdalqader MHA, Saeed AH. Histopathology analysis of thyroid cancer tumor size in Sulaymaniyah -Kurdistan Region-Iraq. Iraq Med J [Internet]. 2020 Jun. 26 [cited 2025 Mar. 8];4(2). Available from: https://iraqmedj.org/index.php/imj/article/view/771




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